School and the backyard gang Wikia

In School and the Backyard Gang's first episode, Wendy Bothleo makes Cookies for her Great Grandma.

Joseph escapes Sir White in an episode of Super Joseph in his first appearance

Also is Ha, Ha by BYG Zinger, What's Up where kids sing Mary has a Little Lamb, BYG Do's Curious George Christmas Ortement made by a sock, Chocolate Sprinkles Ice Cream of Cafe BYG, and BYG Sci where Sugar makes us go crazy!

BYG Zinger: The Backyard Gang takes turns playing Ha, Ha requested by Emily Queenie of Florida
What's Up?: Kids sing Mary Had a Little Lamb
BYG Guest: Wendy makes Cookies for her Great Grandma
BYG Do: Nicky makes a Sock Monkey Christmas Ortamant inspired by Curious George by Magreret and H.A Ray, and requested by Natalie Chris of California
BYG Reward
Cafe BYG: Charlotte makes a Recipe a-requested By Aly Arizona of Deleware called Chocolate Sprinkles Ice Cream 
BYG Party: Nicky 
BYG Meet: Maria
Gabi's Wiki:: Monsters 
BYGogrophies: Helen Keller 
Joey Doodle likes Joey Doodle but she hates Herself
How to say your name in Wendlla Pwendlla
BYG Sci: Joseph, Charlotte, Ruby, Maria, and Nicky have trouble knowing how Sugar makes us go CRAZY! After the Closing Theme, the Adress Song, Nicky tells everyone to come back so

Gabi Announces the Funding Credits at the Beginning


  • Nicky Andreasen
  • Ruby Bothleo
  • Gabi Douglas
  • Charlotte Costleo
  • Johnny Gordon
  • Joseph Carmen
  • Maria Sheridan


  • Filming for this episode was on June 14 1995
  • A clip for this was on The Making of School and the Backyard Gang (Season 1)


Previous Episode: (first)

Next Episode: Episode 102
